April, 2005

April 15th, 2005RandomAdem 0 Comments

I woke up, I?d had a good sleep, I had boiled eggs for brekkie, I?d got dressed, I?m just leaving the house and it?s then that I spot something familiar on the road, something very familiar, that shouldn?t be there. Shock, it?s my driver-side wing mirror glass!??.again! I think everyone can accept that you might [...]

April 14th, 2005RandomAdem 0 Comments

Hey, I need the money so I?m selling some of the crap that?s accumulated around the house. Ebay is the obvious option and I?ve been using it for a while now but it seems that everything I sell goes towards more crap that I buy. So why not help me out. I know this is [...]

April 12th, 2005RandomAdem 2 Comments

Well it?s all go on the whole elections front with coverage on in the newspapers and on TV. The thing is that I don?t know who to vote for. My feeling are that Labour and Conservative are basically the same and there aren?t a huge amount of differences between them. At the end of the [...]

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