May, 2007

May 10th, 2007Blog, Life, The WebAdem 10 Comments

Exactly three years ago today, 10th May 2004, I started blogging. So ?Happy Birthday? to The Big Blog! My first post went like this: My friend Dave told me about blogging so I thought ‘Fuck it’ and am gonna give it a go. We’ll have to see how long it lasts. Hmm now to find [...]

I watched a documenary last night called ?Super Slim Me?, originally shown on BBC3, and now on BBC2, and must say it was very good television. Its maker Dawn Porter wanted to see what it would take for her to slim down from a UK size 12 down to a US size zero (a UK [...]

I?ve heard this track on Zane Lowe?s radio show and also on Soccer AM, and must say it?s very good. The track is by a band called ?Reverend and the Makers?, and it?s called ?Heavyweight Champion of the World?. [audio:Heavyweight_Champion_Of_The_World.mp3] I?ve installed this new plugin so you can have a listen. Cool eh? If you [...]

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