December, 2007

December 4th, 2007Humour, The WebAdem 1 Comments

More Cyanide & Happiness here:

December 4th, 2007Health & FitnessAdem 2 Comments

My tooth is feeling a lot better now so the antibiotics did their trick, which I’m thankful for. I had spent the quite a few nights sleeping on the sofa so that when I did wake up with the pain I was able to sit up and watch a bit of TV to try and [...]

December 3rd, 2007Food & Drink, Friends, Going Out, LifeAdem 6 Comments

It’s my birthday today and I’m 27, can you believe it? I sometimes actually have to check how old I am because it’s something I can lose count of and something I don’t really have to think that much about. In good news I’ve had the day off work, but I’ve done virtually nothing and [...]

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