January, 2008

I have the SlimStat plugin installed on this blog, and it records the ?recent search strings? that people have entered to get to my blog. It?s quite interesting to have a look through and see how people got here and if they actually find what they are looking for. I still get hits for ?? [...]

January 9th, 2008Food & Drink, Health & FitnessAdem 7 Comments

For the next couple of days after my dentist visit I was a vegetarian as I had to have food that I didn?t need to chew and that I could swallow easily, with mash and gravy being a firm favourite. I normally will have meat everyday but it got me thinking about if I really [...]

January 6th, 2008Health & FitnessAdem 8 Comments

Yesterday I had two teeth out, which I?d broken beyond repair, and this involved getting sedated and then having them extracted. I?d read a little and it didn?t sound too pleasant, but I?m happy to report back that everything went well and I?m feeling fine. I turned up and they did an x-ray, and then [...]

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