gonna try with a little help from my friends

I?ve just got back from my weekend jollies away visiting friends.

I left Ramsgate at around 2pm on Friday and got back at 9pm on Sunday so I had a pretty long break away, the whole weekend virtually.

My first port of call was Chichester. My friend Sam is the Bars and Entertainments Manager at the Students? Union, and I?d rung him a few weeks ago asking when would be a good time to visit Chichester (usually shortened to Chi), and he?s suggested Friday as it was the Graduation Ball. I went, I saw, I had a few drinks, and I saw a few old friends.

On Saturday in the spirit of Lord Bargain and Ka I met up with a fellow blogger, this one was Phil, from Bournemouth (I do know Phil though). It was good to catch up with an old friend who I haven?t seen for over a year and nice to chill out. We did Pizza Hut, Serenity at the cinema, visits to loads of DVD and games shops in Bournemouth and Poole, and had a good chat and a catch-up.

On Sunday I returned to Chi for a game of footy (this used to be a sunday tradition at Uni) saw a few more old friends and then came back home. All in all I did 420 miles in the old car. Not bad.

For those of you who read my blog regularly you?ll remember that a while back I was pining a bit for Chichester and the life I?d left and I wrote this post. After this visit it?s clarified things quite well. Chichester has changed a lot and it?s not what I rememeber. The University where I spent my time studying and working for 5 years is changing into something completely different to the place where I had so much fun and from what my memory recollects. That was the past and I?m better off for it. I left just before the Student?s Union moved into their new building (which I had a part in designing) and before a lot of changes to the way the University was developing. I think that if I?d stayed I would?ve ended up hating the place and that I would?ve had to leave or have a bit of a break down as it doesn?t have the same identity as the place I loved. I guess I need these little visits to confirm this to myself.

One thing I do miss is the friends there. I keep in regular contact with a handful of them but there are more that I forgot about and have lost contact with. This was brought home to me when I learned that not one, but two of my old friends had given birth! So congrats to both Hannah and Erin! I am a bit sad that I didn?t know about this but I?ve just emailed another friend, who I never contact but who I saw today, and asked him to send me lots of peoples emails and phone numbers who I?ve lost contact with.

On the drive home I had a glow about me and I felt that everything is going to be great.

Now off to bed for some well-earned sleep.

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4 Responses to gonna try with a little help from my friends

  1. jonny says:

    Without wanting to venture into the kind of comments that went with Adem?s last post (although very funny) ? From Adem?s description of Saturday night does it sound just like a date to anyone else?

  2. jonny says:

    Well probably without the dvd/ game shopping though

  3. adem says:

    Yep I know that Jonny. A few of Phils other friends were meant to be coming but they dropped out so it was just me and him.

    It was a little iffy in Pizza Hut but we made up for it by checking out the waitresses and being very manly.

    And Serenity is a Sci-fi flick too so it?s not like we went and watched Pride and Prejudice!

    So don?t worry Jonny you know you?re the only one for me!!! Don?t get so Jealous!

  4. Phil says:

    Yeah, we talked about men stuff likes breasts and fuel injection systems, so folk wouldn?t get the wrong idea. Probably shouldn?t have held hands though?

    It was real good seeing Adem. Don?t be a stranger.


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