They spun a web for me

I?ve done the Preston Hellings Football Club website!

I started playing for Preston at the beginning of last season August 2004 and thought it would be good to have a website. I made a few incarnations but due to lack of content they were shite, and in the end I removed the site and replaced it with a splash screen.

I thought that if you can?t do a job properly then don?t do it at all and so I was happier with just the splash screen and was willing to wait until my emphusiam gained momentum and I actually had things to put on the site (It?s no use having a site if it doesn?t actually do anything).

After my revelations of a few weeks ago and my kick-start I?ve done the site and it?s actually getting quite a few of the players visiting.

The key has been the installation of a forum which is providing feedback for the team, information about upcoming matches, and also a place for the team to socialise and chat when not meeting up on a Sunday to punt a ball around.

Due to the dark nights we stopped training in September and so it was only Sundays that we would catch up with each other so hopefully the site will help in other areas.

I?m happy with it and now that other members ofthe team are having an input I?m sure it will be a success.


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One Response to They spun a web for me

  1. Phil says:

    uivgesrVery shiny mate. I may get you to do a website for me actually. We?ll have to talk. Soon.

    Take it easy!


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