Moving, just keep moving

I?ve been a bit worn down lately and it?s weird because it?s correlated with me not doing as much exercise as I used to, but I guess that being inactive can be more exhausting than being active. This time last year I was playing squash on Tuesdays, football training on Wednesdays, 5-aside on Thursdays, and Sunday league football on Sundays, and to be honest it was tiring me out. I still play squash, and play a bit of Sunday league football ,but that?s been all I?ve been up to for quite a while now.

Well the good news is that I?ve managed to organise football training on an artificial pitch with floodlighting so that we can start training again during the week, and I also went to Rugby training for the for the time in a while yesterday. I haven?t been able to do Rugby with the Uni team for a while because of either injury/sickness/or work commitments but was back in full swing yesterday and it did hurt. We concentrated on fitness and ball handling and boy did I ache after. But I feel better for it today. The aim is to get some fitness back between now and summer and feel good all the time.

Tomorrow I?m off to Bognor, so I?ll catch you later.

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3 Responses to Moving, just keep moving

  1. rightI get cranky when I haven?t exercised, now that I do it on a regular basis. Makes me tired and sickly.

    I hope you havea good time on Bognor.


  2. Phil says:

    Of course he?ll have a good time in Bognor, he?s coming to my place.

    See you tomorrow dude!

  3. Phil ? does that mean I would have a good time in Bognor, were I to come to your place? ;)

    [sorry couldn't resist]

    Seriously, good trip Adem. And be careful. That Phil, he?s a wild one. Especially if you get him on about Firefly?


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