You thought I was cheap, you were the sale of the century

A few weeks ago upon the release of the film version, plenty of people were talking about ?V for Vendetta?, and giving it the big thumbs up. Well as of this morning I was the winner of an ebay auction for the graphic novel, and so it should hopefully be here in a few days. I got it for £8.50 in total [incl. P&P!] so was very happy as it?s selling for £12 in my local Waterstones bookshop.

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5 Responses to You thought I was cheap, you were the sale of the century

  1. Flash says:

    Ah, Sleeper.
    They did have 3 really good songs didn?t they?

  2. SwissToni says:

    you will so not be sorry.

  3. Kieran says:

    For the cover alone I?d pay twelvty pounds. Which may explain why I?m not allowed my own money.

  4. Pynchon says:

    Enjoy. Total classic.

  5. Stef says:

    £8.50? Sorted! I shall expect a review when you?re done. :-)


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