Great Balls of Fire

Yesterday at 5pm I watched a England play poorly against Triniday & Tobago, but at least we got the right result in the end. We?ll leave it at that except to say that we definitely played better once the substitutions were made.

Then at 8pm it was off to the pub to say ?Happy Birthday? to Mel, and then at 9.20pm I left to go to Folkestone to see my friends band Ticklin The Pickle. I was in two minds as whether to go, as it was already quite late, and could either stay in Ramsgate, or drive the 35 minutes to Folkestone, see the guys, and then drive back at midnight. In the end I really couldn?t stand the pub as it was hot, busy, and full of the same-old-same-old, and thought I?d rather enjoy a nice drive by myself and seeing a few old friends.

I really enjoyed the drive and I can?t believe I?m going to say this but at 9:30pm I drove through Dover and the harbour looked fantastic. I guess it was due to the liminal lighting and also the fact that it was very quiet. Getting to Folkestone was easy but I forgot the way to get to the venue, got stuck on the ring road and had to park at the bottom of the High Street, 5 minutes away from Chambers. I got there just in time for their first set break and caught up with them and had a chat with Tim [who plays the Hammond organ]. I?ve been getting some T-shirts for the band printed, and have spent quite a bit of time on that, designing other merchandise, and also the website [which really does need an overhaul over summer], and as a thankyou Tim gave me £60?. Kiss my face!

TTP played really well and the crowd loved it, and so at around midnight when they?d finished I made my way back home to little Ramsgate.

Today I have a very busy day due to the Summer Ball, and I also have Steve?s party in Lewisham tomorrow, so I won?t be posting till Sunday at the earliest.

Laters all.

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2 Responses to Great Balls of Fire

  1. Aravis says:

    Have a great weekend! :0)

  2. Stef says:

    I passed out about half an hour after the England vs T&T game!

    Sounds like you at least salvaged something useful from the evening!


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