You took an instamatic camera and and pulled my sleeves around my heart.

So I got paid full-time this month and have a little bit of money extra. A while back I posted that I was going to treat myself to a new camera but I haven?t of yet, and in 2 weeks time I have to pay the car insurance? so I?d better buy my camera soon whilst I have ?spare? money [yes I know I should wait to pay the car insurance off first!]I?ve got 3 choices though of what to do and I?m in a bit of a pickle. I can:
1)Buy the Bulky Digital SLR, 10x optical zoom, type which is cool for outside long-range nature shots. But is very bulky and not good for taking out socially.

2)I can buy a slim, limited zoom one, for taking out socially and which will easily fit into a pocket, but is no good for my sports photos I take as is limited in options

3) I can buy both types.

It?s a hard predicament to be in. Ideally I think I?ll have to buy both and in reality as it?s getting colder the truth is that the vast majority of my photos will be of a social nature and will be taken indoors, and so a 10x zoom is not needed?yet.

If I get the small digital one then I don?t want to be spending more than £90. The SLR one I want will cost around £150, and obviosuly any money I spend on the little camera is money that I could?ve spent on this one? but then again I could just buy that one first and then get the little one!!! Arggh!! Decisions Decisions. (I?ve just gone back onto the Ebuyer site and they are out of stock!!! But have it!)

I definitely need 2 cameras. A good one? and a fun one.

Can anyone recommend a cheap, small, digital camera??

p.s. I think I?m gonna order the anyway and bung in a too! I?ll do that either tonight or tomorrow!!!!

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4 Responses to You took an instamatic camera and and pulled my sleeves around my heart.

  1. Kieran says:

    Digital SLR! It?s the future. Imagine the wonders it could do for your blog posting. But it is annoying having a bulky camera to carry around, I?m sure some Japanese company has already put one in a miniature calculator watch.

  2. Aravis says:

    I was going to say that you could buy the smaller one now since your sports season is almost over, and set aside money for the larger, fun one for next year. But you can do it this way too. *G*

    I have the larger, bulky kind (Canon?s Digital Rebel EOS SLR) but bought a camera bag with strap to make it easier to carry around. Perhaps a good camera bag is the way to go for you, too? It allows you to carry more things as well, tucked in beside the camera or in one of its many pockets.

  3. Cody Bones says:

    I have a canon powershot, it works great, and fits in my breast pocket. Find the one that has the features you want, and get it. You won?t be disappointed.
    Get the BIG display screen

  4. adem says:

    ooops. I still haven?t bought it?.


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