A trip to the dentists

A few weeks back I lost a filling in my tooth, and as I was in no pain I thought I?d leave it for the moment as I knew I had to make an appointment to have a check-up anyway. Obviously I forgot to book the check-up, and then on Monday afternoon I came down with a terrible headache but didn?t connect it with the tooth as the whole of my face ached and pulsated. Well yesterday I realised it was the tooth as I couldn?t even bear to touch it and so I spent all morning trying to get through to the dentist but it was contantly engaged and so in my lunchbreak I drove into town to physically go in and speak to them but found out courtesy of a small note on the door that they were closed all day for staff training. Shit!

After loading up on Ibuprofen and Bonjella I had to make my way through another day of pain and for brief moments I?ve been able to forget about it by focussing on something else (Football Manager 2008 has helped!). Of course when you?re lying in bed there isn?t really anything else to think of and so all your focus goes back on the tooth and your tongue starts prodding around and making it worse?cue waking up at 2am, 5am, staying up for an hour, waking again 7am, and then getting up as usual at 7:30am. So now I?m tired as well as aching. Bollocks!

This morning, before work, I went down to the dentists as soon as they opened (8:30am) and luckily they had a cancellation for 11:20am. So now I?ve got a temporary filling, had x-rays to see if they can put a permanent filling in or if they will have to surgically extract to tooth, and been put on a course of antibiotics for the infection. Crap!

I?ve just popped a couple more ibuprofen so will have yet to see if the temporary filling and the antibiotics will have an effect. The dentists will call me once the x-rays are done and then we?ll see what happens.

Oh by the way, it?s my birthday on Monday, so knowing my luck they?ll probably whip the teeth out on that day. I say teeth because I?ve got a couple of broken teeth at the back which they ignored as they were doing no harm but they decided that they might as well take them out too. Fuck!

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7 Responses to A trip to the dentists

  1. Cheezy says:

    Jeez, that all sounds terrible, mate. I hope it all comes right.

    And on that subject, I?m dreading my own next visit to the dentist too :-/

  2. Cheezy says:

    Jeez, that all sounds terrible, mate. I hope it all comes right.
    And on that subject, I?m dreading my own next visit to the dentist too :-/

  3. Nils says:

    Ouch. That sucks crap bollocks indeed. Glad to see you managed to write such a funny post about it.

    I?m so behind on reading here (six to go) but I had to comment on this.

    Take care.

    And enjoy your b?day. I hope it won?t be spent in pain.

  4. j. says:

    That?s just plain awful. Wow.

  5. Aravis says:

    Oh no! That really sucks. I hope that this turns out to be the simpler, less painful situation.

    And a very happy birthday!

  6. Adem says:

    Cheers for the comments guys. The pain virtually disappeared in the afternoon although the tooth was still tender, and I managed to sleep ?til 4am before the pain returned.

    I don?t think sleeping helps because there is pressure when you are laying down, but after a few hours of being at work the pain is starting to go again (thankyou Ibuprofen and Penicillin!)

  7. Cripes! I had virtually the same experience just the other week. Had to rush up to the QEQM for penicillin. A week later, my Harley Street dentist decided to whip the offending gnasher out. Used a kind of mini crowbar. Didn?t feel a thing, though.

    I do hope you?re fixed up in time for your birthday, and if I don?t get to visit here on the day, many happy returns for Monday!


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