November, 2008

November 24th, 2008WorkAdem 2 Comments

I was reading an article in today?s Independent in their ?Business Start Up? and it featured a selection on entrepreneurs telling a brief account of how they got started and how to succeed in the current financial climate. It was all very interesting, and it?s something I would love to do, but without the motivation [...]

November 21st, 2008Food & Drink, Friends, Going Out, MusicAdem 2 Comments

Ah Friday. Here we are again at the dawning of a new weekend, and no doubt the opportunity to waste it away and then trudge back to work on Monday. Pessimistic?me? Oh well. I suppose I do have some things to look forward to, such as my birthday in a couple of weeks time. It?s [...]

November 17th, 2008Politics, The WebAdem 3 Comments

Created by zeltergiset, and found on Did I ever tell you that I hate the Express? and the Mail? and quite a few others actually? For your info I read either The Independent or The Guardian. Am I a newspaper snob? No? I just don?tlike reading crap.

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