A little bored

All I?ve done so far this festive period is eat and watch TV. That is all. Disappointing eh? Yes, I got away to Gran Canaria but since I?ve been back I?ve done nothing else. I?ve been out a couple of times, but nothing special, and I?m just hoping New Years Eve will be a good one as I can see myself returning to work and getting back to the daily grind and feeling it?s another year gone by.

*Brrhhhhh!!* Just trying to shake this mood off but there really hasn?t been a lot to do around in Thanet. Yes I know there are things to do, but I?ve been by myself mostly, with everyone doing family/partner things so what is there left for me to do? suggestions? I know there?s things I can do at home but who really counts tidying up as an enjoyable pasttime?

I?ll let you know how I get on.

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4 Responses to A little bored

  1. Zhu says:

    When I´m home, I usually find the end of the year pretty boring too. When traveling? well, life is more fun.

  2. Aw, come on, it?s not that bad being on your own. At least you get to fart and pick your nose whenever you want. That?s what I?ll be doing this NYE. Oh what fun I?ll have!

  3. Threelight says:

    Happy New Year!

    (Not commenting on your post, NYE was yesterday!)

  4. j. says:

    In America, we have lots of college football to make the tv-watching worthwhile, and provide occasion for inviting others to come over to your house and do nothing but watch tv, too. If there isn?t something of that sort on you side of the pond, you should start it. It?s really the best way to deal with being home for the holidays in a cold climate.


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