Changing Domain to

blog_screenI?ve had the domain since August 2004, and since April 2007 I?ve hosted my blog on this domain from when I moved over from blogger. After a hiatus from blogging last year I said I was going to move domain and I?ve finally got around to it. I think a full name url is a little more professional and also means that any subdomains I run are more relevant. I am not afraid of people knowing my full identity as it?s all a little bit past that as I am all over the web anyway and give my full name out out the time. I may just have to check that what I?m writing isn?t liable to get me into any trouble.

The technical side of things is the easy part and as such both domains are running and all urls related to are still valid, but any clicks from that page will change the url to The only thing that was delaying me was, and I?m getting a bit precious here, was my Google page rankings. Quite a few of my posts always come top in certain search results (even some useful posts!) and I was afraid that I may lose this and with it a fair bit of traffic to the site. This fact hasn?t changed but it?s best to get it over with now, and start producing some more useful posts to counteract that and get new visitors (although it?s not all about that but its always nice.)

Next step, and perhaps this should?ve been done before, is to get the homepage up to scratch. hmm.

also? Should I scrap the title ?The Big Blog??

Update: I?ve updated to 301 permanent links which should help with Google indexing and I?ve also submitted new sitemaps to Google too.

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5 Responses to Changing Domain to

  1. Damien says:

    I don?t know the big blog has a good ring to it, but I am liking the new domain.

  2. Aravis says:

    I?m partial to The Big Blog, but then that?s what I?ve always known you as. If you?d rather change, I?ll like you anyway. :0)

    I understand what you mean about your top rankings. I was so mad when, through a bad upgrade, all my links were lost. I had a couple of really popular photos and an artwork that people were always writing about and asking permission to use. If you look them up now, they appear as someone else? because it was one of the people I gave permission to use it.

    I really need to bite the bullet, perhaps this summer, and fix hundreds of links, too. Not looking forward to that!

  3. Aidan L says:

    Hi Adem,

    Sorry I haven?t been around for ages! Just thought I?d pop in and see how things are going. I haven?t been blogging at all for the last 5 or so months as you will have seen!

    I like the theme too by the way!

  4. j. says:

    I like The Big Blog. But I?m sure I?d like anything else you came up with just as much.

  5. Ed says:

    i think the name is fine matey, does what it says on the tine eh ;)


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