Tuesday round-up of the last week

Been missing me? Well I?ve been a busy boy and have been working on the house in preparation for the housewarming party for which I still have lots of work to do. I had yesterday off work and managed to get a lot done at the house but it made me realise that I?d been putting off quite a few bits which could?ve been done earlier (silly me).

I?ve had to sacrifice 5-aside footy tonight and football training on Wednesday so that I can spend maximum time at the house as I?ve got the carpet fitter coming around on Thursday to fit the carpet in the lounge, hallway and staircase. I?ve done the rest of the carpet myself but thought I?d get the pros in for the tricky bits.

I did have one day of freedom though and went to France for the day with my football team for a general piss-up which was fun although we only spend a few hours in France due to ferry times, but half the fun is to had in the journey. This was of course from Dover to Calais, and not the Ramsgate to Boulogne ferry we have been waiting six months for.

Sunset from the ferry

Sunset from the ferry

I?ve realised I?ve tailed off a bit with taking photos of the house (and videos) but it seems I haven?t even got time for those although I did take a rubbish one yesterday of the front room I had been working on. I?ve got Friday off work and will use that day for finishing off little bits, moving stuff down the house, and generally making it look like a home?. and then I move in and have my party!

This entry was posted in DIY, Going Out, New House and tagged carpet, DIY, , , france, , Housewarming. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Tuesday round-up of the last week

  1. Zhu says:

    I like the picture :-)

  2. Aravis says:

    Beautiful shot!

    I suddenly find myself having to get my house sorted due to a friend?s spur-of-the-moment decision to visit. I?ve almost finished the bathroom (painting, etc.), but have to clean the rest of the house as well by Saturday.

    You and I are in it together, eh? *G*


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