Working lots

Hello strangers, I?ve been absent from here due to me working silly hours at work and also being ill at the same time. Freshers arrived at Uni on Sunday and this coincided with me being ill from Wednesday evening and only just getting better today, whilst still having to work lots which isn?t the ideal way to get better.

My hours this week have been:

Sunday: 10am-12:30am = 14.5 hours

Monday: 8:30am ? 3:30pm + 5pm-12:30am =14.5 hours

Tuesday: 9am ? 5pm + 6:30pm ? 11pm = 12.5 hours

Today: 9am ? 5:30pm +6pm-9:30pm  = 12 hours

So there we go 53.5 hours done already this week, bad enough when fully fit but when you?re ill it?s even worse, but it seems like I?m almost fully recovered. Ideally I would?ve had some time off but at this crucial time of year that just wasn?t possible and I had to work through it which probably meant a usual 48 hour bug instead turned into a 6 day illmess  which coupled with stress and anxiety meant very bad things for toilets everywhere and has meant I haven?t eaten much (not always a bad thing as I?ve lost a bit of weight!).

So I?m feeling better now and am a lot more relaxed too as proven by the shear fact that I?ve been able to leave work early and was home by 10pm this evening.

I don?t get overtime at work but get to take time in lieu so in a couple of weeks I should be able to have a day off here and a half-day there and try and get my hours back down.

Anyway.. I?m off to relax for a bit before getting some well earned rest, and then it?s back to work again tomorrow with dreams of the weekend.

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