Stuffed Aubergines

On Saturday I went down Ramsgate town looking for an artichoke, but alas there were none on the market stalls but I did managed to pick up a couple of aubergines instead (two for £1 on the stall opposite McDonald?s) and so last night I made stuffed aubergines for my dinner.

Yummy stuffed aubergines with a simple salad

Yummy stuffed aubergines with a simple salad

I had a gander on the internet for some recipes but in end just made something up and they were very nice indeed. It?s nice to have something different every so often and these fitted the bill whilst being very cheap too. One half an aubergine made the meal so I?ve got the other half for my lunch tomorrow, and still have one whole aubergine left to decide what to do with it. I guess it shows that you really can make a meal very cheaply if you can be bothered with taking the time to buy ingredients and prepare the meal.

Hollowed-out aubergines ready to be filled

Hollowed-out aubergines ready to be filled

The ingredients were just the hollowed-out aubergines stuffed with a mixture of rice, aubergine, green pepper, mushrooms, tomato, garlic, onion, and some herbs and spices (salt, pepper, oregano, paprika, coriander). All standard stuff I had anyway and so I just a quid spent on the aubergines.

Will this make me go back to making my own lunches instead of going to the canteen? If you?re to believe the previous post then yes it is.

This entry was posted in Food & Drink and tagged aubergines, dinner, food, stuffed, vegetables. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Stuffed Aubergines

  1. Don says:

    I havent had stuffed aubergine in 30 odd years thanks for posting all I have to do is speak to the missus and convince her to cook them.

  2. Adem says:

    Good luck in convincing her as they were delicious. You could always give it a go yourself though ;)

  3. Zhu says:

    I started making my lunch as well (see last post), if you have any ideas, you are welcome to let me know!

    Stuffed aubergine (why not ?eggplants?? Uk English? Because in French, it?s aubergine too? I?m confused now!) looks good. Should try.

  4. Adem says:

    It?s always been aubergine here. Wikipedia has this to say:

    The name eggplant, used in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada refers to the fact that the fruits of some 18th century European cultivars were yellow or white and resembled goose or hen?s eggs. The name aubergine, which is used in British English, is an adoption from the French word (derived from Catalan albergķnia, from Arabic al-bašinj?n from Persian bādenjān, from Sanskrit v?tiga-gama). In Indian, South African and Malaysian English, the fruit is known as a brinjal. Aubergine and brinjal, with their distinctive br-jn or brn-jl aspects, derive from Persian and Sanskrit. In the Caribbean Trinidad, it also goes by the Latin derivative ?meloongen?.

  5. Zhu says:


    I guess it?s like capsicum vs. bell pepper :lol:


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