Growing my own veg

I?ve always fancied growing my own fruit and veg, and here in the South of England we get enough good weather to make this possible. Quite a lot of seeds need to be planted in February/March time and what normally happens is that it gets to May, gets sunny, and then I start thinking about planting seeds, which means by the time I get around to it most of the good weather has gone. With this in mind I?ve just bought myself a mini-greenhouse from Wilkinsons for £12.

It?s 157cm in height, 69cm wide, and 49cm deep, so it?s not too big, but big enough for me to start growing my seeds. I?m going to focus on smaller crops like spring onions, radish, parsley, herbs, etc as they need less space and I will also get quicker results. Of course these won?t fulfil all my needs and I?ll still get my fruit and veg from Ramsgate town, but it will give me a hobby over the coming months heading into summer.

n.b. It?ll be interesting to see how my grapes cope after a cold winter too, although my chillies are doing well indoors.

p.s. My friend Hannah has just started her own blog, Yummy Mummy, so pop along and say hello.

This entry was posted in Nature & Environment and tagged fruit, gardening, greenshouse, seeds, vegetables, wilkinsons. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Growing my own veg

  1. Richard Eastcliff says:

    I grew some splendid marties for the first time last year. And my olive tree actually had some olives, albeit they were the size of petit pois. We really are blessed with our micro climate here on the Ile de Thanet!

  2. Aravis says:

    It will be nice to have some fresh veggies and herbs for your cooking! :0)

  3. Hannah thomas says:

    This looks really cool.

  4. Zhu says:

    You are only growing legal stuffs, right? :lol:

    I wish I could do the same but it?s still way too cold. I usually plant in May here.
    Zhu´s last blog ..

  5. Adem says:

    All the ?other stuff? is in the loft with the halogen lights and sprinkler system all set up ;)

    I didn?t actually get around to setting this up this weekend, but will see about planting a few seeds indoors first and then getting them outside.


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