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July 1st, 2011Money, Reports, The WebAdem 3 Comments

I?m happy to be writing this report for June as my niche website has been running for a complete month having only started in mid May and so last month?s income report only provided a partial picture.

It?s been a really exciting month and I had hoped to be reporting back with news of a new niche site but in the end I had enough to do with niche site P and couldn?t commit to properly creating a new one but as you will see from the results below it didn?t really matter. I had an amazing month!

What did I do?

Most of the hard work was done on the site in May but I still managed to write 10 very short pages of content which kept Google happy and increased the amount of keywords for visitors to find. Apart from that is was just a matter of letting people find the site and hopefully click on the AdSense.

Amount of Visits

Visits have increased and have reached a steady level which I expect them to remain at for the immediate future. In doing my research into the niche I know how many searches there are per month for my keyword so I?m not expecting this to suddenly increase, but in adding more content I?m increasing the chances of visitors through other keywords and searches, but let?s be honest, I?m not going to get thousands of searches a day for my site as there simply aren?t that amount of people looking for what is my niche. I am happy to say though that I am ranking at #5 on Google for my keyword which is great news.

June VisitsYou will notice a rather large jump in traffic around 6th June and this was because I managed to get a free AdWords voucher for which I was able to buy some PPC (Pay Per Click) adverts to promote my site. These would?ve appeared as AdSense adverts on other people?s sites and did manage to attract people to my site. This was artificial traffic and not something I intend to do in the future, but it was nice to increase the hits and also increase my AdSense revenue for that period.

All the other stats have gone up too though with Pages/Visit going up from 4.31 last month to 4.65 this month and the average time on the site went up from 5:00mins to 5:12mins. All this shows that the content is still relevant and useful and had lead to a drop in the bounce rate from 35.14% down to 31.52 this month.


So here?s the juicy bit. In the month of June I made £237.74 from niche site P! An absolutely amazing figure that I could never have dreamed of. I was hoping to break the £100 barrier and ended up smashing it! This shows I?ve chosen my niche well both in regards to getting visitors through good quality content but also attracting well paying adverts my readers want to click.

Ad Impressions
Page CTR
Page RPM
Estimated Earnings

I am so so happy with these figures and if I was able to replicate this every month then it would make a real impact on my finances. In the chart below you can see the big peak from the AdWords campaign. I won?t have that for July so we?ll see what effect that has, but if I average £7.65 a day then I will reach that total next month so that?s what I need to aim for.

June Adsense

What Now?

Six weeks still isn?t conclusive evidence that the traffic and income will remain at these levels so I will be monitoring the stats and doing what I can to keep them at this level. This will include some more content, although only maybe 3 articles, and also getting more backlinks. July is looking to be a very busy month for me with Stag weekends, weddings, etc and so I?ll have to see how much I can commit to the site. If I can get anywhere near the income of June then I?ll be very happy.


I wanted to say a big thank you to Ryan at Covering the Rent who gave a lot of advice and inspiration towards getting the niche site to succeed. If you want to get into niche sites then visit his website and read through all the posts.


'3 Responses to ?June 2011 Income Report?'
  1. niki says:

    is this report only from this site ???

  2. [...] working with ?niche sites? in mid-May so this is only my 4th income report (see May, June, July) so it?s still early days and there is still a lot of experimenting to do to see what [...]