Get your motor running, head out on the highway

I am tired. But I have had a good weekend.

My weekend started on Friday when I finished work at 2pm and headed off to Chichester, my old stomping ground. 135 miles later and I had arrived at the city [it does have a University and a Cathedral!] where I had previously lived for 5 years. Those times are long gone now but I still have friends who live there and who I like to catch up with.

I was originally going to only head down for the Saturday but decided that I might as well spend the night there and have a good drink on the Friday. Which I did. I caught up with some old friends who had been in the same year of Uni as me, I got drunk, and then I staggered back to my ?home? [Dave's] at sometime in the early hours.

The Saturday was the real reason I was there as my friends band ?Ticklin the Pickle? were playing at the Uni, and I needed some live funk action. I also maintain their website [] and was looking forward to getting some new photos to put on the site.

They played a brilliant set and I got quite a few good photos that I was happy with, and should be uploading to their site sometime over the week. I had football this morning and so had to travel back last night and left at 11:30pm and arrived back at 1:45am?.hence the reason that I started this post with ?I am tired.?

I didn?t get to see Phil as other things got in the way [England versus Wales...wahey!! + hangover recovery] but I?m sure he was too busy anyway with his big move.

By the way we won at footy 4:3 [still in the relegation zone though, but form is picking up]

Click here to see the photos

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2 Responses to Get your motor running, head out on the highway

  1. Phil says:

    You stood me up! I?m hurt!

    No, it?s cool. To be honest I only remembered you were supposed to pop over when I clicked on your blog.

    Never mind, you just owe me a visit.

  2. adem says:

    Sorry mate, the memory?s not what it used to be!!


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