Parties are like Buses, you wait for one and then three come along at the same time, in this case all on Saturday!
Mel is having a belated BBQ on Saturday Afternoon, which is obviously going to be interupted by the England versus Portual footy match at 4pm, but I?ve been told they will have the TV on. Then in the evening it?s the Butcher Family?s annual party. These both occur in Ramgate so I thought I was going to be able to make both of these, but then something else turned up too.
One of my old friends, Karen, is leaving Chichester [I lived there for 5 years] and moving away [not sure where]. Now I?ve got to get my priorities right, and I can see the people in Ramsgate everyday but I don?t get to see people in Chichester everyday, let alone the ones that are leaving. My track record of keeping in touch with old uni pals is pretty poor too, so I?ve made the decision to go to Chichester instead and miss out on 2 parties here. Damn.
I don?t have to be in Chichester till 9pm, but it is 135 miles away, which means leaving at 6:30pm by the latest, which means I could squeeze in Mel?s party and the footy, but what if the match goes to extra-time or penalties?? It would mean the match not finishing till gone 7pm and me being late for Karen?s party in Chi. So to watch all the match I will have to be on the road to Chichester by 1pm, and watch the match there.
I?ve been running all possible permutaions through my head but that?s the only way I can do it and catch all the football. Football beats all parties by the way.
I?m thinking I?ll maybe stay in Chichester for Sunday night too and travel back early on Monday for work.
Why does it have to be so complicated??

Better to have too many choices than none at all. Have a good time! :0)