And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear

You may remember that last Saturday I went to a Christmas meal in fancy dress, but didn?t actually get any photos. Well, a few have surfaced, so here goes.

Jonny also told me that he gave a lift to one of his work colleagues who was there for part of the evening, and he asked who I was, as we?d come as a double-combo fancy dress. Jonny explained that we?d known each other since school, and the colleague looked a bit confused as he thought I was about 50 years old! My make-up was very good then.

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3 Responses to And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear

  1. Aravis says:

    You really did a fantastic job with your costume!

  2. Nils says:

    Yeah, it all looks really great. I love the Jedi with the pint though ;-)

  3. Anonymous says:


    Good costumes.


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