New Garden Gate

You know how when there?s something you really should be doing you can always find something else to do? Well I had today off work and instead of plastering and papering indoors I actually spent the day in the garden and put together a garden gate.

Old gate falling apart

Old gate falling apart

The old gate as you can see was falling apart and didn?t provide much security and looking around there were no suitable ready made gates that would fit the exact size I needed I got out my carpentry skills and made my own.

Making a mess with my carpentry skills

Making a mess with my carpentry skills

It?s not really an essential thing for the immediate future but I tell myself that it?s made the garden a bit more secure and also made it look a lot nicer.

The finished gate

The finished gate

I put a door lock on it so that I can gain access via the alleyway with having to worry about bolts or padlocks which are usually on back gates. Next up is to put some fencing along the back wall so that I have some nice privacy and to also put on some wood-stain to protect the wood.

The lock on the new gate

The lock on the new gate

I?ve also put done some purple slate scree in the flowerbeds (after weeding of course) and will put in a few plants at a later date. I really do like my garden as it?s a nice size and I can?t wait to have some BBQ fun there in the near future.

The garden looking a little nicer

The garden looking a little nicer

Not bad eh?

This entry was posted in DIY, New House and tagged "garden gate" wood carpentry garden lock security. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to New Garden Gate

  1. Aravis says:

    Beautifully done Adem! It looks great! And you?re wise to have done it rather than work inside. You were simply taking advantage of the nice weather. And anyway, security is important, too. ;)

  2. Zhu says:

    Not bad at all! The old door looked really old!

    I don?t think I?d have the skills to do that.

  3. Adem says:

    Cheers guys. I?ve put a little bit of fencing up now but need to do the rest and then I can get to painting/varnishing it.


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