Yesterday there were reports of snow everywhere in the UK apart from Thanet it seemed. The day was sunny, the snow and ice from the previous days were starting to thaw and it all seemed to have passed us by until around 6:30pm when it started chucking it down and laying instantly.
This was the cue to all the children to come out and play.
Today we?ve had no more snow and some of the snow is now either thawing a bit, turning into slush, or turning into ice. I had to go into Ramsgate town this morning for a dental check-up and so I took my camera along too.
If you want to see more photos then click here to go to my Flickr set.
Freshly-fallen snow is so beautiful and, in the absence of children, makes the world seem somehow quieter and more peaceful. I wish, though, that there were more children in my family so I could go out and play with them in it. :0)