My latest tweet: Back to work tomorrow after 10 days off :(

The Blog

May 13th, 2004RandomAdem 0 Comments

?A Free amp a day helps you work, rest and play!? Isn?t it great when you get something for nothing. I had just parked my car at work and was walking past a skip when I saw an amplifier (a hifi separate one) it was a bit battered but I thought I?d take it. I?ve [...]

May 13th, 2004RandomAdem 0 Comments

On Saturday I?ll be taken up to 1000 feet in a glider and will be let loose on a ?truly breathtaking flight?. I got this chance as a gift from my sister who will also be going. It should be a good time and will accompany my other past experiences of skydiving and bungee jumping. [...]

May 12th, 2004RandomAdem 1 Comments

I thought I?d play around with all the other stuff to do with blogger so I?ve added a picture. I couldn?t think of what to put on so I added a picture of Corona, one of my favourite summer lagers to drink, and something I?d been drinking only yesterday so it was still fresh in [...]

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