SpecialStuff Migration

SpecialStuff Screengrab

A few of you may know that I?ve also got a very sporadic blog called SpecialStuff, which I set up last August as a means to vent all my techie tendancies, and also as a way to get to grips with WordPress. Well now that I?ve managed to sort out ?The Big Blog? into something quite manageable and something I?m not ashamed of, then I?m going to import the posts from SpecialStuff over here and into the archives. I can then put the other blog to bed.

I did like the blog but haven?t posted regularly at all to it, in fact it?s been almost 2 months since my last posting. The site did get quite a few hits, just under 6000, for just 23 posts over 7 months (5 active), and so I know that some of the stuff I was writing came in useful for a few people, notably my post on illegal free streaming of Premiership football matches.

I?ll probably keep the site up, and just forward it to this domain, ensuring that no cyber squatters jump on the specialstuff.wordpress.com domain and fill it with crap.

It?s nice that I?m able to streamline my web presence through this blog, and so should make my life easier, with less logon details to remember!

*update* I?ve just migrated the posts over, and all I had to do was sort the categories out. Easy.

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5 Responses to SpecialStuff Migration

  1. Stef says:

    You?ve got me thinking here.

    I?ve been moaning about wanting to upgrade to WordPress for a while but not having the time etc.

    I can set up a sub-domain on mine, install WordPress and play with it. See how it goes and leave my current site unaffected.

    If that all works out, put a day aside and go for it big time. Yay!

  2. Adem says:

    Do it!

    I set up this blog and spent a while playing and tinkering, whilst still maintaining the old blog.

    Then when it was all fine I migrated over, which still left me with 2 functioning blogs (just in case anything f**ked up).

    One I knew it was all fine, then I forwarded my old domain to here. Done.

    If you want any tips or which plugins are best then just give me a shout.

  3. J says:

    Bring on the geekiness :)

  4. Adem says:

    I did warn you!

  5. Like the new look. However I think it would be quite a long job for me to migrate, and I have quite a busy time of it on my blog as it is. Oh alright, I?ll be truthful, I?m actually afraid that something like this might be beyond a bear of very little brain like me.


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