
I?ve been eating a lot of fish lately? Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Red Snapper, Tuna, lots of fish. Couple this in with prawns, which kinda fit in with it all,  and I?m loving it. Anyone got a favourite fish not mentioned that I could perhaps salivate over?

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9 Responses to Fish

  1. Hey ? try trout. It?s similar to salmon but I prefer it. Maybe some lemon and herbs rubbed in and cook ?en papillote.? Or rub paprika powder in it and cook.

  2. Cody Bones says:

    Grouper is my choice.

  3. Cheezy says:

    I really like mackerel. And it?s pretty cheap?n'all.

    Also, watch out for red mullet in the autumn. The proper stuff from the North Atlantic, not the stuff from around Africa (a very different, inferior fish). A unique, strong-tasting fish, but the season usually doesn?t last long.

  4. Tina says:

    Marlin ? I?m a big fan of Marlin. Marinaded in soy sauce and olive oil then cooked on the griddle pan, served with a salad of tomato and chives ? mmmm!

  5. Adem says:

    Cheers for the recommendations guys. Next time I?m doing my shopping I?m gonna try a few of them out.

    I?ve usually stayed a bit clear of fish like mackerel, trout, etc as I usually regard them as quite boney, as opposed to the fish I normally get which is nicely filleted. I am being lazy. I will try them and I?m sure I could get them filleted for me.

  6. Michael says:

    I?m a fan of mahi-mahi.

    Its a more steaklike fish, as the texture of the meat is thicker (large flakes?).

    Tastes great cooked on a grill (not to mention it grills up better than Salmon or Tuna).

  7. Adem says:

    yummm.. just had a nice trout fillet. Yes very similar to Salmon, but a nice change.

  8. ST says:

    sea bass rules.

    hake is also worth a look.

    Don?t be afraid to buy a whole (filletted) fish like a mackerel, wrap it up in a tin foil parcel with some lime juice and just bake it for a bit. Simple and delicious. Serve with noodles and green beans.

    I?m a pisces. we like fish.


  9. Adem says:

    Just had some Black Sea Bream. Post here.


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