Firefox Entensions ? Web Developer & Greasemonkey

I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser of choice and it does all I want it to do without crashing for no apparent reason (unlike Internet Explorer), and so is there anything I?d like to change on it? Well I didn?t really think so, but over the last week I?ve installed two add-on extensions which add new features to the browser. There are many add-ons to choose from, and each can be installed simply at the click of a button and a restart of Firefox. Great. You probably knew this anyway, but I just wanted to point out the ones I?ve just installed.

The first one is ?Web Developer? which adds a new menu and toolbar to Firefox with a huge variety of tools to analyse and inspect web pages. To be honest, if you have any interest in web design then install it if you haven?t already, and you won?t understand how you coped before it. There?s too many features to list, such as displaying image sizes in little tags directly on screen at the click of a button, or even being able to alter CSS on any site live in the browser as you watch. Great stuff. Go install it and have fun.
Web Developer Extension
The next extension is Greasemonkey, which in itself doesn?t do a great deal, but it does allow you to install scripts that make direct changges to the website you visit. Scripts can be downloaded from and there are thousands of them, but a couple I?ve used lately have been Flickr Titles + Descriptions Batch Tools which adds a new option to the batch operations menu on the Flickr/organise page allowing this function which is strangely missing from Flickr, and has meant in the past that titles and descriptions have had to be entered manually for each photo which is sometimes a lot of work to do. The new uploader allows the bulk editing of titles and descriptions which is good, but once uploaded there?s no chance of editing the files as a whole. This extension fixes that.

As I mentioned, there are thousands (at last count 12,205) of scripts and so I did a little search for ?Facebook? to see what was on there, and so I stumbled across Facebook Ignore all application invitations link (above the right panel), which does at it says on the tin, and is great for getting rid of all those junk invitations for the applications your ?friends? have added. It?s the part that really annoys me about Facebook and so I feel a little better now and my Facebook page looks a lit cleaner. Don?t worry about missing out on important requests as group invitations, detail requests and any other type of request such as photo labelling are left and not touched. For those of you I know on Facebook, give it a try. I don?t have time to explore the other scripts for Greasemonkey but I?m sure there are some that once installed I won?t be able to live without.
Facebook Ignore Most Ext
These are just some Firefox extensions that I use but please feel free to tell me any you use and can?t live without.

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5 Responses to Firefox Entensions ? Web Developer & Greasemonkey

  1. j. says:

    I?m intrigued by that Facebook script, as I hate all those application invites. If one more person sends me Hotness points, I?m going to scream.

  2. Adem says:

    I just ignore them all, but the list of invites I had were huge. If I add an application I make sure I skip the page that wants to send invites to twenty friends.

    Now this script has made my page very clean. There are plenty of other Facebook scripts too which remove adverts etc.

  3. Aravis says:

    I?ll have to check out Web Developer. I?ve seen that (or similar) options before, but didn?t really grasp what it was about. It sounds interesting. Thanks!

  4. Stef says:

    What an ace selection of add-ons. I don?t really have much use for them any more but I might just install them anyway!

    At least if I go to a horrible looking site with clashing colours I can change the style sheet! :-)

  5. Stef says:

    Have you tried Firebug?


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