Is anyone out there?

Anyone still there? I thought I?d pop my head over the parapet and see what was happening. Could this be a return to blogging for me? Who knows. Feel free to leave a little comment for me. ? Adem

Image under CC by blackandecker

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12 Responses to Is anyone out there?

  1. j. says:

    I?m still out here. :) Hope all is well with you, Adem.

  2. LB says:

    There appears to be a lonely and rather doleful looking dog in the road.

  3. Aravis says:

    Still here. This is such a great shot!

    Glad you checked in, and hope to see you around more soon. :0)

  4. Michael says:

    As I said? I?d stop in from time to time to see if you decide to make a comeback

  5. Was just wondering if you knew why I cannot join the Thanet blog list, welcome back!

  6. Aidan says:

    Hey Adem, good to see and hear from you. I am on a slow blogging run at the moment, have been for ages really, but I think that?s the style of my blogging now. Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you soon!

  7. Zhu says:

    I?m here as well!

  8. Shane says:

    And there?s a latecomer and occasional popper-in, here, too.

    Noticed you hadn?t been predicting at CUAS (LB & co.), wondered if there was a story behind that.

    As for the sitting dog image, I was drawn to the detail (cracks) of the road. That sat comfortably, albeit sadly, with the dog?s expression.

    Wishing you well.

  9. SwissToni says:

    is blogworld calling you back to her bosom?

    You know you want to?..


  10. Adem says:

    So 6 weeks has past since that one. I would like to get back into blogging as I?m sure I still have something of interest to say?

    When things have happenned lately or I?ve heard something I?ve thought ?Oooh, I should blog about that..? but of course I haven?t.

    It?s been nice not to ?have? to blog, or comment, or visit sites if I don?t want to.

    I just don?t want to return in a half-hearted manner?. so we?ll see.

    As for my input on other sites and blogs? I?ve really just been a voyeur and if I have left a comment then you are one of the lucky few.

  11. Bilbo says:

    Called in just to see how you were keeping.

  12. Bilbo Beggins says:

    Looking for a reply (if poss) Aravis.


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