The future of the blog

I?ve been thinking about resurrecting the blog and getting back to blogging. Yes I know, I did contemplate this a couple of months ago with my last post but I think this could actually be a return for me.

I need to sort out the format of the site though which includes a few things:

The Domain. I no longer feel that happy with which may have been fine in the past but feels a bit cheap and dated now. I?ve bought the domain and will migrate the blog over to that domain. There?s no hiding my real identity, it?s too late for that as it?s plastered all over the net, although obviously there?s nothing that juicy out there. This may play around with Google indexing etc but sod it. I want a domain that I won?t get fed up of.

The Design. I will change this and am in the process of doing just that using Options Theme by Justin Tadlock which is a nice, clean, and highly customisable template.

The Content. Obviously this is a big thing and I really need to simplify the range of categories I use. This in turn will focus what I blog about. There will be a little less crap on here, and hopefully some more items of interest. I can?t promise that though.

I guess the easiest part to start with is the actual blogging and then focus on the technical aspects later. This isn?t a big relaunch where I can go ?ta-da!? and unveil a spanking new site, instead one where I change this gradually and take my time over them.

In other news I?ve still be reading everyones blogs and have been adding a few more to my Google reader. If you?ve got any blogs you think I?ll like then put in your recommendations below (including your own blogs if I don?t already visit you.)

See you soon x

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3 Responses to The future of the blog

  1. Zhu says:

    Well, good luck with the new beginning and the blog makeover!

    Sometimes it feels good to start again!

  2. Adem says:

    Hey. I have to admit that I?m using the Options theme as I saw how great it looked on your site.

    Hopefully I can get something looking half as good as yours.

  3. Nils Geylen says:

    Domain: check. Design: good choice (I use Thematic but like Options a lot). Content: well, just look at that post you commented on, so: check.

    Good luck, see ya soon!


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