Not a home yet

It?s coming up for a month of homeownership for me, but I really can?t call it homeownership as it?s not my home yet. I?ve been working hard(ish) on getting it all ready but with working full-time it?s left to evenings etc to get down to the nitty-, DIY, gritty and get some work done.

I suppose I have done quite a bit but perhaps would?ve liked to have been a lot further along by now than I am at the moment. Stripping wallpaper, painting, etc is quite time consuming and as I haven?t ?completed? any rooms yet then I have nothing to really look at and think ?well, at least that?s done?.

The problem has been starting from scratch.. on every room? and then realising how much work there is to do. I took on a house that was in a very bad state and although it?ll take a while to complete the rewards will hopefully be a lot more rather that just moving into a new-build house.

I just hope that I do a good job!

Actually scrap that last statement. I know I?ll do a good job in some places, and I know that I won?t do a good job in other areas. Being on a limited budget I know there will be some things that I?ll have to do cheaply, which will be fine but not what I?d ideally want, but in time I can go back and sort these things out. The main priority is to get the sitting room, kitchen, and main bedroom in tip-top order so I can move in, and then the rest will have to be ?projects?.

I?ll put more photos and a video up when I can and when I feel that I?ve progressed that next step on from the .

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