The winner takes it all? the loser has to fall

I?m off to a quiz tonight at the giant corporation that is Pfizer. Quite a few of my friends work there and we?ve done the quiz the past few times but never actually win. I don?t know if this has something to do with the fact that we usually get very?very?drunk. ?Armadillo?s? [that is for Jonny if he reads this.]

Then on Friday afternoon I?m off to Stevenage?.

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4 Responses to The winner takes it all? the loser has to fall

  1. Phil says:

    Have a good one. Movie night for me. SERENITY BABY!

  2. the urban fox says:

    Do you get a box of free Viagra if you win?

  3. SwissToni says:

    are you suggesting he might need it? I have a feeling that this weekend it won?t be necessary!

    Good luck on both fronts mate.


  4. adem says:

    We came second?..maybe I do need the Viagra! [ha ha]

    As it turned out I actually really forgot about the quiz and just got drinking. My last drink was a Snakey B and I absolutely hate them!!!

    Laters all.


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