If a picture paints a thousand words, Then why can?t I paint you?

Aren?t digital cameras brilliant? I really do wish that I?d had one earlier in my life as there are so many events in my life that I wish I had more memories of. I wouldn?t say I have a bad memory it?s just that if I think certain information is irrelevant then I will dispose of it and will be pretty hard done by to recollect it.

Of course there are also the memories that I want to remember but after a while certain facts, faces, and info will start to fade away until I?m sure I?ll forget completely. I know pictures don?t tell the whole story but they certainly help cue up those memories and give you a nudge in the right direction.

It used to be that I wouldn?t take many photos, or would have to ration them because the film and the actual developing was expensive, and so I don?t have that many photos from my younger years. It also seemed the way that guys didn?t really take photos although girls usually did. I?m not sure why, but it?s probably got something to do with handbags!

It wasn?t until I was at University, maybe as late at 2001 that I actually handled a digital camera (a kodak I think), and it belonged to the Students? Union. I took some photos but didn?t realise it?s potential until I started web design, and in this case building the Union?s first ever website. I would go and take pictures at events and then upload them to the site the same evening, and this would bring many visitors to the site, all eager to see their faces online.

That website is now long gone as when I left there I wasn?t able to continue the site, and there was no one there who was able to commit to the site, or indeed have the knowledge, and so I referred them onto another company who could help them out for free. I realised last night that I still had quite a few of the photos on my PC, and it was about time that they got uploaded onto my Flickr.

Most of them are from the Wednesday Sports Fed Nights [Wednesdays in the UK are typically when the University Sports teams play their fixtures] although there are a few others in there.

I?m sure I?ve got some more photos on an old hard-drive somewhere and will have to check.

My flickr sets are in chronological order to if you want to see these photos then scroll to the bottom.

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3 Responses to If a picture paints a thousand words, Then why can?t I paint you?

  1. Phil says:

    Dude, we should really do a header for you blog for the portfolio.

    Cheers for sorting out the thing yesterday.

  2. Aravis says:

    I love the immediacy of the digital camera. I know right away whether or not I got the shot I was looking for. It?s also excellent for things like blogging. Want a pic to go with that entry? Take one and upload it in seconds!

  3. Stef says:

    Digital cameras do totally rock. Having a good one on your phone is a god-send as well because you always have it to hand!


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