So stop your cheap comment, cos we know what we feel

Today has been a quiet day. I was working last night so I decided that today would be an easy going day at work and so as well as doing all the bits I have to, I?ve also been surfing around and making a few comments on the blogs on my blogroll.

I haven?t been commenting that muchlately , simply having a quick browse at the posts that pop up on my feedreader, but thought I?d make the effort today.

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5 Responses to So stop your cheap comment, cos we know what we feel

  1. Aravis says:

    Thanks, it was good to see you. :0)

  2. Nils says:

    Well, there?s no use in just commenting for the sake of it, is there? It?s always great to see you post or drop by.

    I was just discussing the way you blog, btw. You have a real knack for posting these updates about what you?ve been up to. Trust me, I?ve tried and it just doesn?t work for me. Which I think is cool – in case you missed that bit ;-)

    Well, I?m really tired and I have a headache, so: cheers and see you later!

  3. Pynchon says:

    Yup. Always good to hear from you adem.

  4. J says:

    Your comments at my place were excellent. Except for that one about getting back with my ex. No thank you!

    Hope you are enjoying have a little time to breathe.

  5. Cody Bones says:

    Well thank God for that. It?s always good to hear from you.


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