The last few posts I?ve written have been a bit *meh* and I?ve said as much when I?ve been writing them, but a post is a post, and you can?t ask for more than that can you, and at least I?m still blogging. Stats
After my six month hiatus from the blog I returned, gave the place a bit of a clean-up, installed a new template and installed a few new plugins. A couple of these were for functionality with the new template, but one other was purely for me? Stats.
Read more about it on the plugin page but the basic advantage of this plugin is that it runs on the WordPress servers using your API key, and is very very simple to use.
I only installed this on 12th November, so only have stats from then, but it?s all very very interesting. Yes, I can get stats such as total visits ( 3,635) which is alright if you want to massage your ego or are only interested in driving visitors to your site, but it?s the other stats I enjoy.
The top posts viewed over the last month have been:
- Best Fancy Dress Ever (19-1-08) ? 481 views
- Marks & Spencer Vouchers Spam (5-6-07) ? 387 views
- How to degauss a TV (22-8-07) ? 272 views
The first post, Best Fancy Dress Ever, is a bit of a joke but if you type ?fancy dress? into Google images then the image from that post comes up at #1. Crazy.
As for the other two posts, these are informative and I like to think that I?ve helped out quite a few people by simply putting up a post on this blog. People still want to know if the M&S vouchers are real, and people still want to know how to save their TV.
I think it?s great that I can contribute in this way, the same way as I google for solutions to problems I have. Keep doing what you?re doing bloggers? and I?ll try and put on some more useful posts.
The odd bit of navel gazing on one?s blogs stats is always fun. It?s the odd words people use to find the site that realy leaving you wondering about some people.