The Year Ahead

wedding 300x300 The Year AheadSo here we are, a New Year, and a time to assess what we’ve all been up to.

I started this Blog in May 2004 so it’s been going a while and has seen some big changes along the way mostly due to social media. For what blogging used to be about, an online diary, everything has shifted to Twitter and Facebook, and so what’s left on here? Just me talking about websites etc. To be honest though I don’t really share too much on Facebook and Twitter anyway so you’re not missing much.

Last year was all focused on one thing for me and that was getting married in July. That meant that everything else was put on the backburner and my focus from the time I got engaged was planning, saving money, and then actually doing the biggest and best thing I’ve ever done in my life.

So I got married (July), went on honeymoon(July/August), and then at the end of November bought a new house. Christmas was spent renovating and decorating and with the big jobs done I’ve now got some scope in my life to start new hobbies. So what do I do?

  • I’ve neglected my niche sites and so I’d like to get back on track with those as the extra money does come in handy and I also have fun making the sites too.
  • I’ve got a massive garden now so I’m looking forward to gardening and growing my own food.
  • I’m living in a lovely village and so I’d like to start walking a bit more and also getting back into photography. I’ve got a nice Canon DSLR sitting at home not getting used so that’s another opportunity.

That’s not a great amount of pressure on me so let’s do this!

What are your plans for 2013?

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