Jack Frost nipping at your nose

I?ve been a little bored this week as I?ve been off work but haven?t applied myself to anything of note. I?ve watched TV, played computer games, got my Christmas shopping done, had a bit of a tidy-up, but that?s about it really. Everyone else has been at work and so I?ve only had myself as company, which as you?d expect is pretty boring.*
I did manage to go out last night though which was nice and had quite a few pints of Bombardier and Adnams and I had a lovely kip last night. I am refreshed today and tonight I?ve got my football club Christmas dinner to go to, so I?ll be suited and booted and no doubt will have a few more bevvies.
I?m pretty sure I?ve got some interesting blog posts inside my head but I?ll save them for a bit later, so no interesting posts yet.

*You would be bored too if you had to spend a lot of time with me!

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4 Responses to Jack Frost nipping at your nose

  1. Aravis says:

    Have an excellent time tonight.

    Although given the time difference, you probably already are! *G*

  2. adem says:

    It wasn?t too bad although definitely not as wild as last year.

    I am home and just uploading photos?boring eh?

  3. Anonymous says:

    It was bollocking cold last night, hopefully that didn?t impinge on your evening too much.

  4. Aravis says:

    I like messing about with my photos at home, so that makes me boring too.

    I?m ok with that, though. *G*


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