Tag Archives: holiday

Easter Update

I thought I?d give you a little update of what I?ve been up to this last week. I took some annual leave which combined well with the Easter Bank Holiday to make a nice long break. Don?t assume that this ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Going Out, Life | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Happy New Year.. I think

I never really did anything to relieve the tedium of my last post, but New Year was fun,  I had a good time, saw my friends and generally chilled out after that. I decided to to go to bed at ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Life | Tagged Danny Wallace, , new year | 2 Comments

Jack Frost nipping at your nose

I?ve been a little bored this week as I?ve been off work but haven?t applied myself to anything of note. I?ve watched TV, played computer games, got my Christmas shopping done, had a bit of a tidy-up, but that?s about ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Food & Drink, Life, Random | Tagged beer, boring, | 4 Comments