A Great Weekend in Chichester

I?ve had a brilliant weekend. Nice to know eh? I went down to Chichester and caught up with lots of old Uni friends and did I say I had a brilliant time? Sometimes when I?ve popped down to Chi there hasn?t been much going on or not many people around but this weekend it was Charles and Lisa?s wedding and they were having their reception at the Students? Union Bar and TTP were playing there so it was guaranteed to bring all the old faces out of the woodwork.

I got to Chi around 2pm on Saturday and met up with Karen for some lunch and a couple of drinks and then went back to hers and Miffy?s as I?d be staying there on their sofabed. We had some wine and some passoa (don?t ask!) and were joined by Jamie and Rich and then around 7:30pm we headed up to the Union and a bit later were joined by friends who were actually at the ceremony
The Gang in chi
The highlight of the evening was catching up with Hannah who, ashamedly, I haven?t seen since 2004 as she?s been busy with being a mother but it brought a big smile to my face to see her again as she was a really good friend but as mentioned in a previous post I had lost touch with a few people. More wine, vodka, and beer rounded off the evening along with some dancing and body-popping and I crashed out around 3am.

The next day I met up with Jamie for a spot of football and although the weather was fine to start with we were soon in a torrential downpour and then pelted with hail stones! We carried on playing but once the water was 1 inch deep on the pitch we were forced to give up. I got changed into some dry clothes in my car and then headed back to Ramsgate.

I?ve been in a great mood today following the weekend and then to round it off I went to watch Die Hard 4.0 which I enjoyed.

One thing that I did occur to me after this weekend is that when I used to live in Chichester the majority of my friends were women, where as in Ramsgate the majority of my friends are men. Strange eh? I have got female friends here but they are mostly girlfriends of my best mates and as such I don?t usually socialise with them on their own. I need to get some more lady friends!! Not with a view to get hooked up (although I wouldn?t say no) but it?d be nice to have a bit more variety in my friendship circle. I love my male mates but there?s nothing wrong with extending my friendship circle. Let?s see what happens.

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3 Responses to A Great Weekend in Chichester

  1. Ding-a-ling! Who are those lovely ladies?!

  2. Adem says:

    Hannah, Miffy, and Rachel?. I?m second left by the way!

    All good friends from Uni, and it doesn?t hurt to be surrounded by a bevy of beauties.

  3. Nils says:

    Great shot indeed. Lucky you there.


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