March, 2009
..for an online management game. For the past two and a half years (see initial post here) I?ve been immersed in an online game called Xpert Eleven and the league I run is looking for new managers. It?s quite a simple set-up and that is the beauty of it in that you can either log [...]
There?s a wealth of information being posted in the comments of this blog, and the latest info from the website says: Euroferries high speed cross channel service commences imminently between Port of Ramsgate, Kent and the French Port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer. Fares, online ticket reservations and further information will appear on week commencing 16th [...]
I hurt my knee and ankle on Sunday by getting my catching my foot in a divot whilst kicking the ball. This meant a lot of pressure was put on my dodgy knee and even dodgier ankles. For the next couple of days I was hobbling around and even had to miss my usual 5-aside [...]