My latest tweet: @ Been up in London visiting friends. Woke up at 7:30am and everyone else up at 10am.

April 11th, 2011Ramsgate, Sport & RecreationAdem 2 Comments

I haven?t been fishing for a couple of years, but when I found my self with a free day I thought I?d give it ago and had a walk down to Ramsgate harbour and fished off the Harbour Wall.

Sufficed to say I didn?t catch anything apart from sunburn and some crabs, which could be misconstrued for something altogether different if this were an 18-30s holiday. I never go fishing expecting to catch fish, and just use it for a bit of a time-out and an excuse for some fresh air.

It wasn?t just me who was failing though and apart from a few flatfish there was little being caught and so I accepted my fate, and headed home after a few hours. I think I?ll have to go elsewhere to catch any sizeable fish which casts my mind back a few years when I caught this Moray Eel on holiday in Gran Canaria.

There are several charter boats running fishing trips out of Ramsgate and that might have to be the next option if I?m ever to catch a fish again?

'2 Responses to ?Fishing from Ramsgate?'
  1. Aravis says:

    I used the love fishing. It?s so peaceful. Like you, it?s been years since I last went out. Your day sounds perfect, except for the not catching anything part. But even that sounds good in a way. :0)

  2. Bruce Ayres says:

    It has been nearly 30 years since I did some sea fishing, used to fish of Folkestone harbour and dover breakwater.
    Recently moved back to Kent and joined Herne Bay fishing club. The only thing here is weed. Due to illness cannot cast very far so any suggestions on where to cast a line would be appreciated
