For the whole month of November I will be donating my top lip to charity and growing a moustache in aid of Movember, an event that raises funds and awareness for prostate cancer. All participants start clean-shaven at the beginning of the month and then nature takes it?s course.
It?s all a bit of fun, but it also raises awareness about men?s health, something which isn?t always talked about, especially by men, so if you see a more than usual quota of men with moustaches in November then you know what?s going on.
If you would care to donate any money to this then visit my page on the Movember site and give whatever you can. I?ll also be updating it with photos of my progess and you?ll be able to see how silly I look!
If you are a man?with a spare face, then why not register? Women can also register too!
So if you can spare a couple of quid then please donate to this worthy cause.

I had an experiment this week and I think I?m going for a nice pencil moutache. I?ll be posting updates but please sponsor me if you fancy.
Adem´s last post ..1 site or 10 sites? Decisions to be made