I have several domains that I’ve bought over the past year with the idea of setting up affiliate shops on and up until this time I haven’t really done anything to them as I just haven’t had the time or the inclination, but I’ve found a new WordPress theme that has made it easy to get set up sites on these urls.
The ShopperPress theme can be installed on any WP site and allows you to sell real products if you wish but also add affiliate products from the likes of Amazon, Affiliate Window, etc which means a really professional looking shop, with shopping cart etc, but with none of the effort of actually stocking products. Great. Obviously you’re going to have to do all the usual SEO to get the site ranking, but the theme allows for pages, articles, custom product descriptions, etc so you can have some really unique content on your site.

My Clay Oven Site
I’ m going to disclose a site I’ve built using ShopperPress and that site is about clay ovens. It isn’t a big niche, it only gets around 2000 local searches a month, and so I don’t see it really doing that much, but I bought the domain and so it seems a waste to not use it.
For the design I’ve used one of the supplied templates, and there are 39 (I’ve just looked) themes styles in total supplied free to give your site a unique look. For the content I’ve used the Amazon product importer to add products (with my affiliate link) and I have manually amended the descriptions so they’re not just a copy from Amazon. Finally for more unique content I’ve added a recipes section and will look to maybe add some more reviews etc too.
The website is getting a trickle of views and ranks between #10 and #15 on Google with a few products and minimal content but now that it’s up and ranking I’m sure it will develop.
ShopperPress is listed for sale at $79 but we all know there are promo codes floating around and in the end I was able to buy it for £30.26, which I thought was a pretty good price as it can be used on unlimited sites etc. This is my affiliate link for ShopperPress and includes a 40% off vouchercode.
So feel free to have a look at my site or you can also look at the demos on the ShopperPress site which includes backend login too so you can see how it all works before buying.
Based on my experience with ShopperPress I have also bought DirectoryPress to install on a couple of sites. I’ve not done much with it at the moment but it will allow me to accept paid submissions to directories I’m looking to add to some of my current sites to diversify the income I get away from just AdSense and Amazon. Yet again I’ve got an affiliate link with $25 off the $79 price and this is included on this link to get it for only £31.44.
I usually spend very little on websites but I’m happy to pay £30 to get a great theme that I can use on multiple sites. I’m not spending much time on them at the moment but I like installing a basic site on my domains with some content as you never know how they will rank without it and you could be surprised when your site starts getting visitors.