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The Blog

When does my car MOT run out?

April 13th, 2011Practical, RandomAdem 0 Comments

That?s a question I found myself asking today as I couldn?t find my current MOT and knew it was sometime over the next month or so. To find out you just need to go to this Direct Gov link to check your vehicle’s MOT status and history online. The online MOT status check gives you [...]

The History of Ramsgate

April 12th, 2011RamsgateAdem 0 Comments

photo credit: robef I think it?s good to be proud of the area you live in, and although there?s a view that Ramsgate is a bit downtrodden nowadays, I still have hope for the place and when you cast your mind over the amazing history of the place then you will be proud of the [...]

April 11th, 2011Ramsgate, Sport & RecreationAdem 2 Comments

I haven?t been fishing for a couple of years, but when I found my self with a free day I thought I?d give it ago and had a walk down to Ramsgate harbour and fished off the Harbour Wall. Sufficed to say I didn?t catch anything apart from sunburn and some crabs, which could be [...]

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