My latest tweet: I ordered myself a cheap wine rack at the weekend from Amazon Nothing special but will do the job.

The Blog

Exclusive footage of the Royal Wedding

April 19th, 2011Humour, ReligionAdem 0 Comments

It?s become a bit of a tradition in recent years for the bride and groom to do something ?different? at their ceremony and reception and it looks like the Royals are no different:

April 18th, 2011MargateAdem 1 Comments

We?re quite a pessimistic lot over in Thanet and for the past few years there hasn?t really been a positive thing said about the Turner Contemporary by the residents of the Isle and so to have thousands of people heading in mass exodus to Margate shows that something has changed. I even found myself heading [...]

Why must the Turner Contemporary in Margate succeed?

April 14th, 2011Design, Local News, MargateAdem 0 Comments

So it?s finally arrived and the Turner Contemporary art gallery in Margate is due to open at the weekend. There was a time when I thought it would never happen, when £7,000,000 was spent without even laying a brick, but here we are, an exstimated £20,000,000 later and it?s actually happening. So 10 years in [...]

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