My latest tweet: I ordered myself a cheap wine rack at the weekend from Amazon Nothing special but will do the job.

The Blog

July 1st, 2011Money, Reports, The WebAdem 3 Comments

I?m happy to be writing this report for June as my niche website has been running for a complete month having only started in mid May and so last month?s income report only provided a partial picture. It?s been a really exciting month and I had hoped to be reporting back with news of a [...]

Addicted to Adsense
June 20th, 2011Blog, MoneyAdem 0 Comments

As you will know I?ve been playing around with niche sites and trying to increase my passive income (please excuse the buzz phrases) and a sideline of this is that I?ve become slightly addicted to checking my Google AdSense income. AdSense is my main revenue stream (see my May Income Report) and I?m only a [...]

June 7th, 2011BlogAdem 1 Comments

It?s been 7 Years and 28 Days since I set up this blog and I?m celebrating this with my 2000th post. *Bells and Whistles* A lot has changed in that time, and although I?ve ?quit? blogging several times in the past I?ve always come back. OK so I don?t keep it updated much any more [...]

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