Tag Archives: blogging

Permanent break from the blog?

Well it looks like this break away from blogging is pretty permanent and I guess this is in part to doing lots of other things and not really feeling the need to share it all. Whilst my blogging has suffered ? Continue reading ?

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Thanet Bloggers and the Thanet Blog List

This week I?ve been happy to see that my good friend Hannah has started a blog and that it has got past the all too familiar ?single post then forget about it? stage that many blogs get too. In fact ? Continue reading ?

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Suggest a topic

This is another appeal for a subject for me to write about after my last effort about ?Lost and Forgotten Sweets? suggested by @skinofstars via twitter. Just send me a title of a post and I?ll pick one and do ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Blog | Tagged , suggestions, topic, , writing | Leave a comment

I?ve been blogging for five years

I am well aware that the blog has gone a little stale, hell, I?m even boring myself here, but as we all know, it?s not just here for amusement and insight but also to keep a record of what?s going ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Blog, Life | Tagged birthday, , Chichester, Five Years, , Relationship | 8 Comments

Nothing to Say

Yet again you will have noticed that I?ve not been blogging. The other day I started writing a new post, got a few sentences through and then stopped. I don?t have anything to blog about at the moment but I?m ? Continue reading ?

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