July, 2005
010001 001100 011101 011101 001001 001100 011111 011111 011100 001001 001111 011101 011100 001100 011000 011000 011111 011100 001001 011000 011001 011001 011001 001000 010000 011010 011111 01110011 [...]
My mixer arrived today in cracking condition and I?ve tried it out and it all works. It?s a KAM BPM Junior and cost me £21 (+£10 postage) and seems to be a good mixer to start my DJing with. I also got the decks out of the loft but I can?t find the styli, cartridges [...]
A supposed suicide bomber was shot dead on Friday after being chased by 3 armed men and not stopping. Call me stupid but I?d probably run if I was being chased by 3 strangers. Witnesses said that the man was chased, tripped whilst boarding a train, was pinned to the ground and received 5 shots [...]