My latest tweet: Just cancelled some shit domains. Not worth anything and just wanted rid. I did cancel one from 2004 too. About time.

I’ve been using e107 to run my football website for over a year and one of the things I’ve spent quite a lot of time looking for it a league table plugin for it, but after much googling and searching of forums I couldn’t find anything, and so just had a link forward to the league website and its league tables, but this wasn’t exactly what I wanted.

It seems that there’s quite a few people out there who may also be interested in a league table for their site and so I’m gonna tell you about it here.

I came across a programme called tplLeagueStats which can generate league, form, and statistics tables, and looking at the example on their site I thought I’d give it a go. The fact that it’s released for free under the GNU/GPL license also helped make up my mind.

tplLeagueStats software is the perfect answer for webmasters running both professional and amateur soccer sites on a .php enabled server. Using a MySQL backend the program is fully featured and can be used to generate League, Form & Stats Tables.

With the files uploaded to my server, and the editing of a php file to include my MySQL database information, I just had to navigate to an installer page and then I was ready to rock and roll and start with the data input, in my case adding all the results for last season to create a complete table for the division my football team play in.

The end result was this page which was exactly what I wanted but was still on a separate page and so I needed to find a way to incorporate it into the site, and this was done by installing the e107 plugin called Wrap v0.9.2 which allows you to ‘wrap’ specified web pages into your template and you can see it all working here.


Update: I no longer use e107 anymore so a lot of this information is outdated.


'7 Responses to “e107 Soccer/Football League Table”'
  1. Aidan L says:

    Great find(s) Adem! If I ever need anything like that I know where to look!

    I am sure that it will help a lot of people actually. O and by the way, it looks like you have done a great job. Well done :-D .

  2. Adem says:

    Cheers. Don’t think I’ll get as many hits from this as the M&S post! How’s the HSBC hits going?? ;)

  3. Chris says:

    Great work mate. When I started reading your post, I thought, “I’ll offer to create a league plugin for you”. Then I realised that I’d never actually get around to doing it, plus, you’ve sorted it. So everyone’s a winner.

  4. Adem says:

    I’ve just been alerted to the fact that there is a league table plugin available from here (You will have to register to see the example and to download).

    You can see it working at this site but have to say I’ll probably stick to the work around that I’ve got as the plugin “is a simple league table plugin. You can enter the number of games played, won, lost, drawn, for, against and points credited. It does not calculate the points.”

    I love the stats so will stay with my version but it is an option for those who want a simpler table.

  5. Aidan L says:

    I’ve had a few, no where near as many as the ones that you received for the M&S ones!!

  6. Demian says:

    perfect.. just like my website.. :D THANKZ!

  7. thanks for this info it will be useful
    .-= chris@ local football´s last blog ..How will this weeks fixtures effect top o the league =-.