Stacker Game
Last night after plenty of busy nights it was a calm one as I took a group of the students bowling in Margate for a bit of a change to all the drinking and partying they?ve experienced so far. Anyway enough of the bowling? whilst I was waiting for some of the students to finish their games I had a go on one of the arcade machine and I won an
It?s on one of the stacker skill machines where you have to match up blocks and get the chance to win a small prize or go for a big prize and I?ve played this type of machine a bit in the Penny Theatre in Canterbury and usually come away with a minor prize of a yoyo or something like that. I wanted a yoyo this time (I know!) and pressed the wrong button which made me continue for the major prize instead of collecting a small prize (doh! I thought), well apparently it was time for this machine to pay-out and so I had the skill to select a prize. There was a choice of wii games, a sat-nav or a shuffle, and as I already have a TomTom and sold my Wii last year, then there was only one logical option and I selected the which costs a round £30 in the shops.
I?ve wanted an iPod for ages but never got around to it so this was a happy treat and now I can shuffle away. Of course there?s no screen on the shuffle but I quite like the randomness of autofilling the iPod and not knowing what you?re going to be listening to next. It?s a very good chance to listen to songs you may have forgetten about.
Good times at last.
Lucky you!
I?ve never seen anyone winning at these machines, I thought it was a scam.
I never win anything?
I googled around and found out that the odds of winning can be changed but are ususally 1/800 of getting a major prize, so long odds and I guess I just played at the right time.
There?s one in Portsmouth arcade arena, and the major prizes are ipod 8GB nano, and a digicam 12MP from Sony. I got all d way up but always missed the very last row by only 1 block. So bloody addictive?
I won a camera from one of these babies. A Samsung Digital Camera. Well my friend won it but I sponsored him the money. But then disaster struck, we found another stacker machine? one with an ipod touch 8GB. $70 dollars we spent on that machine. 70 DOLLARS. We noticed it skipped the very top square everytime. 70 GODDAMN DOLLARS!